Monday, December 30, 2024


Saturday, 28/12 - noon - I'm home :)

So what? Everybody is.

Few words of explanation...

At the beginning of December I was feeling a considerable fatigue, which wouldn't go away. Even taking it for a walk didn't help.

Then next step came - I started feeling out of breath.
As a result, I didn't sleep the night before Christmas Eve because I had to strain really hard with every breath.
 I called "Nurse-on-Call" and she told me to contact my family doctor immediately (there was always an ambulance in the back-up, but I preferred to check simpler options).

The doctor saw me in half an hour, listened to my lungs, categorically recommended not to move from the chair and called an ambulance.
Before the ambulance arrived I managed to call my wife to prepare a bag with the necessary things for me.
The ambulance was kind enough to pull up to our house (300m away) and let me go home to say goodbye to my wife and collect my things. However, they definitely did not want to drive our car home.

In the hospital they performed number of tests and decided to keep me for few days in the cardiology department.In this situation, the family spent Christmas Eve without me, but they joined me and we sang few carols together.

In the cardiology department it was like this...

I got a single room, I noticed that more than half of the rooms were empty.
Diagnosis - water in the lungs, cause - heart failure.

Action - tablets to drink water, limit fluid consumption to 1.5 liters a day - for me this is rather normal, although recently I may have been drinking a bit more.

If this works, they will let me go home with a recommendation to see a cardiologist, whom they will inform about my case.

It worked - I got rid of a lot of water, which somehow insidiously gathered in me - although I noticed that my feet were swelling, I thought I would check it out after the holidays. I did not realize that at the same time I was gaining a lot of weight - now in two days I have lost 5.5 kg and I am back to normal
Here is a recommendation - weigh yourself every day and write down the result.

I am attaching a few hospital photos...

Nutrition - the portions were tiny, but it was enough for me.
Below - yesterday's dinner...

It was quite tasty, although the vegetables were a bit overcooked and of course everything was not very salty (but the goulash was seasoned quite well).

A portion of medicine - I took the pink ones regularly, the black ones were a multivitamin, they added the white ones - for dehydration.

On the Christmas Day I was visited by children and grandchildren,  they even brought me a Christmas cracker...

I was probably most moving around patient, I discovered a small asylum in the open air.

Unfortunately the air was not very nourishing, probably there was an air conditioning outlet nearby. Temperatures were variable - the first day of Christmas - 33C, the second - 36C, Friday - 18C.

There was a bookshelf..

But I brought some reading material with me - an exceptionally well-chosen reading material - entering the profession of a medical specialist in Australia. Maybe it was this reading that brought out the wolf from the forest?

Saturday, around 11, my wife picked me up from the hospital and we went to the supermarket to buy some fruit - I can now walk without getting out of breath.

I thank all the readers of this blog for your concern and kind words.
I wish you... good HEALTH - for the whole New Year.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Twilight of Democracy

Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of AuthoritarianismTwilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism by Anne Applebaum
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Quite disappointing but maybe, knowing A. Applebaum's personal connections in Poland, I expected too much.
The author laments changes in political climate, mainly in Poland and USA but pays very little effort to analyse whether and how it is connected to serious socioeconomic changes in these countries.

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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Powrót do Edenu

Powrot do edenuPowrot do edenu by Agnieszka Burton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Bardzo dobrze napisana książka - wiele świetnie podanych informacji o Australii, i to również takich, które trudno znaleźć w powszechnie dostępnych źródłach, silne emocje międzyludzkie, atmosfera napięcia i niepewności.
Intuicja radziła mi dać tej książce minimum 4 gwiazdki - zimny umysł zredukował to do trzech.
Pozytywne argumenty podałem na wstępie.
A jakie były te negatywne?
Takie same...
Za dużo emocji - trudno mi znaleźć wytłumaczenie co tak łączyło Agnieszkę i Johna, że zdecydowała się przenieść z centrum Europy do chaty w gęstej puszczy i towarzystwa niezrównoważonych psychicznie osób.
Autorka jest zafascynowana Aborygeńską tradycją. Do tego wplata elementy hinduskiego i hippisowskiego mistycyzmu - trochę tego za dużo jak na mój logiczny umysł.

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Saturday, November 30, 2024


OrbitalOrbital by Samantha Harvey
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I started reading this book with good hopes, first few chapters enforced them, I got some feeling how is life in a space capsule,importance of contacts with The Earth.
It is confirmed soon - the news comes that mother of a crew member, Chie, died.
My reflection is that the only place where a story may happen is Earth,
After reading few more chapters it is confirmed - there is no story in this book :(
On one hand it confirmed humankind connection to Earth, on the other... brought a question: am I interested in reading over and over the map of the word?
I jumped to the last two orbits - same as the first ones.
Thank you.

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Sunday, November 17, 2024


Przyszłem, czyli jak pisałem scenariusz o Lechu Wałęsie dla Andrzeja WajdyPrzyszłem, czyli jak pisałem scenariusz o Lechu Wałęsie dla Andrzeja Wajdy by Janusz Głowacki
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Po lekturze innej książki J. Głowackiego - Z głowy - wiedziałem czego się spodziewać - książka pisana dla kasy czyli to i owo o wszystkim co może się wiązać z życiem L. Wałęsy w latach 1980-84.
Druga gwiazdka to za dobrą prezentację wielu prywatnych szczegółów natomiast w którymś momencie mocno znużyło mnie czytanie jak można by przedstawić ten czy tamten fakt w zupełnie inny sposób.

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Monday, November 4, 2024

Z głowy

Z głowyZ głowy by Janusz Głowacki
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Bardzo dowcipna opowieść i za to ta druga gwiazdka, ale bardzo nie podobała mi atmosfera książki - fascynacja seksem i alkoholem.
Prócz tego odniosłem wrażenie, że autor odczuwa satysfakcję ze wspominania wielu znanych osób ze świata kultury i mieszania ich z tym bagnem.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Wandering through Life

Wandering through Life: A MemoirWandering through Life: A Memoir by Donna Leon
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Very disappointing.
I gave it 2 stars only because I appreciated author's writing style and sense of humour.
As for contents - google search pointed to a review starting with "Delightfully approachable but disappointingly unrevealing".
That's right - waste of time.
There is only one topic which inspired me to some thoughts: work in American institutions in other countries - Iran, China, Saudi Arabia.
I worked 2 years in Middle East and met American professionals there. My impression was - arrogance and disregard for the job and surrounding environment.
Donna Leon confirms it 100%.

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Monday, October 14, 2024


 Gemini -  yesterday Google notified me they can support me even better - new Assistant - Gemini - CLICK.

I am open to interesting suggestions, so I tried.
- Who won this year's Nobel Prize in Literature?
- Han Kang, South Korea.
- How many women have won the Nobel Prize in Literature?
- 18, in recent years they have won more often than men.

That's right.
On the sidelines I will mention that the Prize has been awarded 116 times, so it will take a long time for the gender balance to even out.

Then I asked if any books by this author are available in public libraries in Melbourne.
They are, I was given the appropriate links.

Seeing that my Twins know something I tried something that really interests me...
- Do you know anything about Joice Nankivell-Loch?
- I don't know, it may be private information that I don't have access to.

Transcript of the further conversation below...

I admit that my answer was brusque, but I think it was justified.

I was interested in the matter because an Australian woman with that name was decorated with the Polish highest distinction - Order of the White Eagle in 1923. The decoration was probably made by the Chief of State - Józef Piłsudski.

I know quite a bit about this lady, I bet that more than 99.9% of Australians.

Unfortunately, I did not do better on Polish soil.
Last year, on May 3, the 100th anniversary of this decoration struck, so I sent an email with this information to:
- President of Poland - A. Duda,
- The Polish consulate in Australia, 
- The Australian consulate in Poland.

In the email I suggested that it could be a nice element during diplomatic meetings.
The Polish Consulate in Australia responded nicely.
The other two recipients - not a word.

I don't have any major complaints - Joice Nankivell-Loch definitely didn't feel good in Australia, she chose to do charity work in other countries - Poland, Greece, Romania, British Mandate of Palestine. I'm not surprised that Australians don't know about her.
As for the President of the Republic of Poland, I got a warning that the Chancellery is not able to respond to all emails, so I they don't guarantee a response.

But Artificial Intelligence?

Just be aware!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Barefoot on the grass

 One day, I left home, walked to the park and... took off my shoes...

I felt Mother Earth under my feet.

Because it all started with Mother.
Even at preschool age, she encouraged me to walk barefoot in the grass behind the house in the mornings, in the dew.
I was not very eager to do it, anyway for the first 11 years of my life I never put on rubber shoes, only leather.

It was 1952, the Olympic year, and on that occasion I watched newsreels of sports competitions in the cinema. I paid special attention to the US athletes - in the newspapers and radio news (Communist Poland) I read/heard about their decadent lifestyle and here - athletes, not worse than the Soviet ones.
Especially basketball players - all in stylish sneakers.
And then domestically produced sneakers appeared in stores.
When I mentioned to Mother that I would like to have some, she grabbed her head in despair - it's murder - rubber, the foot doesn't breathe.
And so, without breathing - for 72 years.

Last Sunday I overheard on youtube a health program that my wife regularly listens to, and there - the electrostatics of the human body.
I didn't need more - I hurried to a nearby park.

Of course, I moved away from the paths sprinkled with sharp gravel and looked around.
Firstly under my feet... on a golf course...

On a cricket field...

Eventually I walked mostly on medium height grass on the oval, 
Then I looked up...
Trees intertwined in an embrace...

There is no aggression, so it is not wrestling.
 Perhaps it illustrates the history of a relationship... love, rivalry for influence in the family, and in the end - staying in the hug just for survival. 

 Anyway - I felt hungry. I glanced at the trees one last time...

Looks like we will have broccoli as a vegetable for dinner this night.

By the Way - my favourable place for barefoot walks is an oval in nearby Wattle Park.
On Saturdays it is occupied by rightful owners - cricketers...

Their field is marked with plastic bowls - red and blue on an image above.
It leaves a lot od space for me... and one risk.
In cricket the highest score (6 pts) is awarded when a batter sends a ball behind a line.
Luckily they did not hit me :))))

P.S. Here are 2 randomly found articles about benefits of barefoot walking 
1. Electrical connection with Earth - CLICK.
2. Muscles and bones - CLICK.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Paris Housekeeper

The Paris HousekeeperThe Paris Housekeeper by Renee Ryan
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Started reading this book with a very positive attitude - the issue was serious and important, the stage presented in a convincing way.
And then scratches appeared, most disturbing was a very authoritative, someway pretentious style of writing.
This was followed by many inconsistencies and omissions in the plot.
Only respect to the two main characters in the book kept me turning pages to the end.

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

When God looked the Other Way

When God Looked the Other Way: An Odyssey of War, Exile, and RedemptionWhen God Looked the Other Way: An Odyssey of War, Exile, and Redemption by Wesley Adamczyk
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dramatic story of a family caught in a vortex of the II World War.
On 1 September 1939 Poland has been attacked from the West by Germany, this event started the war.
On 17 September Poland has been attacked by Soviet Union - this move has been previously agreed in a secret Molotov - Ribbentrop agreement.
Few months after the invasion Soviet authorities deported from occupied territory to Siberia and Kazakhstan some 600,000 Polish citizens.
Among them was the author of the book - Wiesio (Wesley) with his mother, brother and sister.
Their father/husband was away, he joined Polish Army when the war started, it took few years before they learned his fate.
I found the book quite exceptional, it has been written from the perspective of 8 y.o. boy.
It may be some kind of disappointment for readers who expected to find stories written by adults rationally explaining what was happening around them. 
Wiesio relies completely on his own memory and on what mother or sibling told him. His experiences are very limited - mother decided not to send him to the Communist school so he spends whole days just wandering around a hut in which they are living, he has no company other than an old man nearing his death.
Fortunately I read some other stories covering these events so I could enjoy a company of very young boy telling me about his passage through the hell.

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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Lessons in Chemistry

Lessons in ChemistryLessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Initially I liked this book very much.
The style, dialogs, surprising associations.
Further in the book I found some quite naive motifs - mostly those touching science and religion.
Not only naive, also angry.
Plus lots and lots extreme exaggerations, arrogance.
Mostly beautiful woman, most clever man, same applies to the dog and to the daughter. Actually I felt very sorry for her - child without childhood.
Finally - on one hand I liked descriptions of TV Shows, on the other one I was confused with a number of contradictory situations and number of manila envelopes sent in many directions.
One more points - the story of Calvin Evans childhood, in my opinion, went completely off the rails.
At that stage I gave this book 3 stars.
After few days I cooled down and thought about it as the author making a joke.
I raised rating to 4 stars.
P.S. I learned that the book has been converted to a TV serial, what is interesting - Harriet, the neighbour is black.
I cannot believe that her husband- a monster, could be black in the movie.

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

500 words


I learned about this game from my son during my hospital stay - early 2023.

After a few random games and losses, I thought about the method.

I was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's story - The Gold Bug - in which treasure hunters have to decipher an encrypted document. They come up with the idea to base it on the statistics of the frequency of letters in English words.
I found information that the top letters used in the English language are E, T, A, I, N, O, S.

I decided to start with the word P-R-I-C-E.

The New York Times advised that a better word would be S-T-A-L-E, but the English word still smelled somehow stale to me, I preferred to know the price.

I will explain the rules of the game -
You have to guess a 5-letter word in 6 attempts.

After each attempt, NYT marks in black the letters that do not appear in the target word, in yellow the letters that appear but in a different position, and in green - the letters that appear in the given position.
In the given example, the situation was dramatic, two attempts and not a single letter.
After three words I could see that I was doing badly, it put me in a sour mood - I became jazzy - and that was the point.

Statisctics - 105 games, 80% wins, longest winning streak - 26.

3rd January 2024 - simple like one-two-three..

Another friendly case...
The first 3 words gave me only two vowels. Fortunately, not many consonants fit into them, so I managed to find a BUDDY.

Statistics informed me that it was my 500th game... 

So I've been playing every day since the beginning of February last year.
It's hard to treat it as a time-filler, an average game takes me about 3 minutes.
I imposed strict rules on myself - I don't try to find answers on the internet, I play without breaks until I succeed or loose.

The longest winning streak - 287 - that's over 9 months.
I achieved that at the end of May, 94% wins, 14 games short of 95% and then a streak of 4 losses came.

Supposedly I still have 94% wins, but that's a big rounding off, now I'm about 50 wins short of 95%.

And today - July 30... 500 won games :)


Friday, July 19, 2024

Death on the Trans-Siberian Express

Death on the Trans-Siberian Express (Olga Pushkin #1)Death on the Trans-Siberian Express by C.J. Farrington
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was very charmed with first chapters of the book, could not believe it was written by a non Russian with rather short experience living in Russia.
Siberian winter, hopelessness of woman's life in a small village in the middle of the forest.
Hopeless men expecting full service at home and spending all free time drinking "rocket fuel" in a local bar.
Among this a young woman working hard as a railway engineer which mostly means walking long kilometres checking railway switches and signals.
Free time she spends caring for neighbours and old family members and only then finds some space for cherishing her dreams about study and becoming a writer.
Then - the title obliges - threats, murder, blackmail, corruption, CRIME.
Very quickly I got completely lost among many characters and subplots and did not bother to track the sense of the story.
Only the climate remained with me.

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Family Sport

Last Friday in Melbourne leading daily paper Herald Sun one could notice this...


Rugby on water - it looks like this..

In a small pool, two 5-person teams fight without hesitation for the ball. The goal is to throw it into a basket similar to a basketball. In my opinion, it is not rugby, but rather basketball in kayaks, although sometimes it is fierce - see HERE.

What possessed me to write about this?

This amazing duo - our daughter-in-law and granddaughter - visited us yesterday.

This young company is clearly ageing me, so I'll go back 22 years.

Year 2002 - Sarah - our daughter-in-law - qualified to the Australian team for the Canoe-Polo World Championships in Essen - Germany.

It was for this occasion that I bought this T-shirt - it survived these 22 years better than I did.
The Australians won the bronze medal - Germany won, Poland - 17th place.

That same year I also had the opportunity to try this sport.
The occasion was our daughter's wedding - the daughter-in-law organised a match - Milewski Family vs. The Rest of the World.
The family team consisted of the Bride and Groom, Daughter-in-Law and Son and... me.
As expected, after a few minutes I fell into the water.
Here I will explain that kayaks are equipped with a protective skirt, so after capsizing, water does not flow into the kayak and the competitor can easily do an underwater somersault - CLICK.
Well, maybe not so easily - I couldn't twist out, which complicated matters a bit because to get out of the kayak underwater you had to unfasten the protective skirt and crawl out of the kayak upside down.
Anyway, I survived, I was replaced by a reserve player and I could calmly watch the rest of the game. The Rest of the World (Monash University team) won 7:2.

2 years later our daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, then three more and I thought the whole thing would remain in the realm of memories.
But no, last year Sarah felt the call of youth and resumed training, her daughter Matylda joined her. This year both qualified for the Australian national team for the world championships - the mother in the senior team, the daughter in the junior team.
In October they will go to the championships in Dequing - China - CLICK.

Update - World Championships are over - 10 days of hard time - 9 hours of competition for 8 days,
Australian Women Team (Sarah) ended in 14th position,
Australian Women U21 Team (Matilda) in 7th position.
Here is an update of a T-shirt...

Monday, July 8, 2024

So Late in the Day

So Late in the Day: Stories of Women and MenSo Late in the Day: Stories of Women and Men by Claire Keegan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Three stories, if I had read them separately then probably my reaction would be lukewarm but read together they amused me a bit :)
So Late in a Day - what looks like a nice relation turns to be difficult to the woman due to parsimony of her partner but she got her revenge - agrees to marry him, runs him into expenses and then, on a wedding day, resigns.
The Long and Painful Death - a female writes has a first day of her creative holidays spoiled by a grumpy man, her revenge - she was planning to write a story based on A. Chekhov story - Fiancee.
In the original story there is a mention that a male character died of consumption.
She will work hard to make if a long and painful death.
Antarctica - a total change of a front. A woman living with a husband and children in a stable relation, realises that the time is running out, there is last chance for an extramarital adventure. She finds an amazingly proper person - handsome, well built, clever, witty, generous. Excellent sex. And then... he shows his true face - a pathological pervert.
So final message is: ladies beware - if you find a perfect man - there is danger behind a corner.

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Friday, June 7, 2024


Frankenstein: The 1818 TextFrankenstein: The 1818 Text by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I had problem with rating this book.
On one hand - reading was terribly tiresome, almost painful.
On the other hand - full respect to the author for attacking a very serious and more and more current problem.
Why was reading so painful - my guess is that 80% of the text is completely irrelevant to the story. I simply was not able to concentrate for such long time and few times realised that I missed some significant element.
Another point is that the author leaves a lot of blank spots -
Example - process of creating the creature is barely mentioned and takes less than 1 page. The creator abhors his creature and falls in state of unconsciousness. His friend takes care of him but nobody is interested what he left in his working room/laboratory.
As the result I read it again, this time more carefully and making note of each sentence which moved the story forward.
There were less than 50 pages worth reading, but they were worth to be read few times.
How could you dare to create a living creature not caring about its wellbeing and happiness?

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Friday, May 10, 2024

The Omega Factor

The Omega FactorThe Omega Factor by Steve Berry
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I found this book so tiresome that decided that the effort of reading is not worthy of reading the full story.
On one hand I feel respect to the author for digging into all these details and I envy him visiting such exciting places with the knowledge of their historical background, on the other hand - it did not compensate effort of reading quite messy and artificial story :(

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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Life in 3G

My friend from the church declared that his current priorities are - 3G - God, Girls and Golf.
My contact with golf is none, girls... from the distance.
Grumbling and Grave look much closer, still today I realised that we have a beautiful golf course in the park 1 kilometre from the house.

We've had beautiful, sunny days lately. A few times a week, while driving to a nearby market in the morning, I pass this field and admire the beautiful grass, wonderfully rolling hills, all behind a light curtain of fog illuminated by the rising sun.

Unfortunately, I cannot document it with photos because there is no place to park a car.
I tried in the afternoon from the other side.
I drove car to the nearby park and noticed that somebody was watching me...

I thought that these nice creatures will also monitor my car and in good spirit walked towards the golf course. Unfortunately the park is on the hill, the golf course goes down so it was difficult to take a good photo, so we have what we have...



Walking track is rather short, access to the golf course is limited so I moved back to the park, under the trees.
Something hit me strongly in the shoulder.
Alarm!!! They are playing golf outside the course!
I looked down for a golf ball.... I found this....

The pine of the tree under which I walked...

I felt good emotions,
The NATURE gave me a friendly nudge - I am here, near you - enjoy.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Love etc.

Love, etc.Love, etc. by Julian Barnes
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Long time ago I read Talking It Over which we is a prequel to this book.
I do not remember much from this book other than a specific format - instead of plot run by a narrator it was a sort of confession where all characters were reporting their actions, thoughts and reflections to some third party.
I found it interesting.... correction - I found it interesting and entertaining because of Oliver.
I wonder what prompted Julian Barnes to write a sequel, sometimes I think that he would like to be in position of Oliver - simply - J.B. is extremely knowledgable and eloquent - maybe he is longing for a silent and attentive listener/reader.
Returning to the book - unfortunately, this time I found Oliver's phantasies flat and dull. Beside it, his actions or rather lack of those is pathetic.
Other characters - first of all - too many of them. I do not remember how many characters were monitored in Talking It Over, but here -definitely I was confused by them.
Secondly - the plot - to be honest I lost interest in main characters and stopped to worry about them.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Mozart beyond the glass

 We are regular goers to Mostly Mozart series in Melbourne Recital Centre.
As the name indicates there is W.A.Mozart music in the program plus someone else.

This time the title was surprising - Glass Harmonica.
Glass Harmonica?
I do not think I ever heard such an instrument, I dimly recollect that it produces music similar to xylophone, it sounds in some cloudy, watery way - definitely not Mozart style.

Day before the concert I decided to widen my knowledge of the subject and practically it took me the whole day and I am still not satisfied.

Firstly I learned that glass harmonica is a most dangerous musical instrument in history of music - people exposed to it experienced - attacks of panic, epilepsy, women - miscarriages - consequently it was forbidden to play it in public places - more HERE.

Secondly - glass harmonica was invented in 1761 by Benjamin Franklin, I knew this name as an inventor of lightning rod. After reading an entry in Wikipedia I got to conclusion that he was a most capable brain ever - just check -- CLICK.

So what Mozart could get out of glass harmonica?
The answer is HERE.
No surprises - not much Mozart brilliance here.

The important question was - who will support Mozart this time?
It was Hungarian composer Gyorgi Ligeti, I heard before few pieces of his music and thought that it may suit glass harmonica.

The last question was - do we have a glass harmonica in Australia?
If so, where it was hidden? Why it was never publicly played?

The answer was simple - Glass Harmonica will not be there!
It was replaced by various combinations of xylophones, vibraphones, marimbas and...

... yes, glasses and glass bowls half filled with water. All operated by 4 people...

And it produced amazing sound.

And here is a piece by G. Ligeti, here played by a "proper" orchestra, but combination of various percussion instruments and glass gave similar effect - CLICK.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Where the Crawdads Sing

Where the Crawdads SingWhere the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

First point probably nullifies my whole review - I did not read it, I watched the movie.
Here is my story...
Seeing many enthusiastic reviews of the book I was very keen to borrow it from the library but the queue was very long. Then I noticed the movie on the library shelf so I borrowed it.
I do not regret.
First point - I was very touched by the story, I would rate the movie at 4+.
Second point - few times I found the story absolutely naive or improbable but the vision works differently than the logic - I followed the action putting reservations aside.
They came together after finished watching the movie and had some time for reflection.
(view spoiler)
I read few reviews of the book and I fully sympathise with readers who abandoned the book after 50 pages.

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