Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Mozart beyond the glass

 We are regular goers to Mostly Mozart series in Melbourne Recital Centre.
As the name indicates there is W.A.Mozart music in the program plus someone else.

This time the title was surprising - Glass Harmonica.
Glass Harmonica?
I do not think I ever heard such an instrument, I dimly recollect that it produces music similar to xylophone, it sounds in some cloudy, watery way - definitely not Mozart style.

Day before the concert I decided to widen my knowledge of the subject and practically it took me the whole day and I am still not satisfied.

Firstly I learned that glass harmonica is a most dangerous musical instrument in history of music - people exposed to it experienced - attacks of panic, epilepsy, women - miscarriages - consequently it was forbidden to play it in public places - more HERE.

Secondly - glass harmonica was invented in 1761 by Benjamin Franklin, I knew this name as an inventor of lightning rod. After reading an entry in Wikipedia I got to conclusion that he was a most capable brain ever - just check -- CLICK.

So what Mozart could get out of glass harmonica?
The answer is HERE.
No surprises - not much Mozart brilliance here.

The important question was - who will support Mozart this time?
It was Hungarian composer Gyorgi Ligeti, I heard before few pieces of his music and thought that it may suit glass harmonica.

The last question was - do we have a glass harmonica in Australia?
If so, where it was hidden? Why it was never publicly played?

The answer was simple - Glass Harmonica will not be there!
It was replaced by various combinations of xylophones, vibraphones, marimbas and...

... yes, glasses and glass bowls half filled with water. All operated by 4 people...

And it produced amazing sound.

And here is a piece by G. Ligeti, here played by a "proper" orchestra, but combination of various percussion instruments and glass gave similar effect - CLICK.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Where the Crawdads Sing

Where the Crawdads SingWhere the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

First point probably nullifies my whole review - I did not read it, I watched the movie.
Here is my story...
Seeing many enthusiastic reviews of the book I was very keen to borrow it from the library but the queue was very long. Then I noticed the movie on the library shelf so I borrowed it.
I do not regret.
First point - I was very touched by the story, I would rate the movie at 4+.
Second point - few times I found the story absolutely naive or improbable but the vision works differently than the logic - I followed the action putting reservations aside.
They came together after finished watching the movie and had some time for reflection.
(view spoiler)
I read few reviews of the book and I fully sympathise with readers who abandoned the book after 50 pages.

View all my reviews