Monday, July 8, 2024

So Late in the Day

So Late in the Day: Stories of Women and MenSo Late in the Day: Stories of Women and Men by Claire Keegan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Three stories, if I had read them separately then probably my reaction would be lukewarm but read together they amused me a bit :)
So Late in a Day - what looks like a nice relation turns to be difficult to the woman due to parsimony of her partner but she got her revenge - agrees to marry him, runs him into expenses and then, on a wedding day, resigns.
The Long and Painful Death - a female writes has a first day of her creative holidays spoiled by a grumpy man, her revenge - she was planning to write a story based on A. Chekhov story - Fiancee.
In the original story there is a mention that a male character died of consumption.
She will work hard to make if a long and painful death.
Antarctica - a total change of a front. A woman living with a husband and children in a stable relation, realises that the time is running out, there is last chance for an extramarital adventure. She finds an amazingly proper person - handsome, well built, clever, witty, generous. Excellent sex. And then... he shows his true face - a pathological pervert.
So final message is: ladies beware - if you find a perfect man - there is danger behind a corner.

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