Friday, June 7, 2024


Frankenstein: The 1818 TextFrankenstein: The 1818 Text by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I had problem with rating this book.
On one hand - reading was terribly tiresome, almost painful.
On the other hand - full respect to the author for attacking a very serious and more and more current problem.
Why was reading so painful - my guess is that 80% of the text is completely irrelevant to the story. I simply was not able to concentrate for such long time and few times realised that I missed some significant element.
Another point is that the author leaves a lot of blank spots -
Example - process of creating the creature is barely mentioned and takes less than 1 page. The creator abhors his creature and falls in state of unconsciousness. His friend takes care of him but nobody is interested what he left in his working room/laboratory.
As the result I read it again, this time more carefully and making note of each sentence which moved the story forward.
There were less than 50 pages worth reading, but they were worth to be read few times.
How could you dare to create a living creature not caring about its wellbeing and happiness?

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