Wednesday, July 31, 2024

500 words


I learned about this game from my son during my hospital stay - early 2023.

After a few random games and losses, I thought about the method.

I was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's story - The Gold Bug - in which treasure hunters have to decipher an encrypted document. They come up with the idea to base it on the statistics of the frequency of letters in English words.
I found information that the top letters used in the English language are E, T, A, I, N, O, S.

I decided to start with the word P-R-I-C-E.

The New York Times advised that a better word would be S-T-A-L-E, but the English word still smelled somehow stale to me, I preferred to know the price.

I will explain the rules of the game -
You have to guess a 5-letter word in 6 attempts.

After each attempt, NYT marks in black the letters that do not appear in the target word, in yellow the letters that appear but in a different position, and in green - the letters that appear in the given position.
In the given example, the situation was dramatic, two attempts and not a single letter.
After three words I could see that I was doing badly, it put me in a sour mood - I became jazzy - and that was the point.

Statisctics - 105 games, 80% wins, longest winning streak - 26.

3rd January 2024 - simple like one-two-three..

Another friendly case...
The first 3 words gave me only two vowels. Fortunately, not many consonants fit into them, so I managed to find a BUDDY.

Statistics informed me that it was my 500th game... 

So I've been playing every day since the beginning of February last year.
It's hard to treat it as a time-filler, an average game takes me about 3 minutes.
I imposed strict rules on myself - I don't try to find answers on the internet, I play without breaks until I succeed or loose.

The longest winning streak - 287 - that's over 9 months.
I achieved that at the end of May, 94% wins, 14 games short of 95% and then a streak of 4 losses came.

Supposedly I still have 94% wins, but that's a big rounding off, now I'm about 50 wins short of 95%.

And today - July 30... 500 won games :)


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