Sunday, June 2, 2019

First Sunday of June

Means - MS Walk - already for the ninth time.

MS - Multiple Sclerosis - a terrible disease attacking mainly young women.

This year the event looked as withdrawn a bit - I easily found a space in the car park, there were not so many people as usual, the rest was fine.

Albert Lake...

Start... looks like I am getting smaller and smaller

But on the other hand looks like medical procedures of last year helped. I did not notice when we made a full circle around the lake.

Few steps more and we reached the end

My companion was, like in many previous years, Gudrun, my friend from skiing club - thank you Gudrun for constant support.

Looking around I found that, despite not so many people at the start, financial result of the event was quite satisfactory

Together with similar walks in Sydney and Canberra, MS Society gained over $1 mln.

And then the sun shone

I left Albert Lake to its traditional owners

My personal input: I received donations of over $400 - thank you very much all supporters. It makes close to $6,000 in these 9 years.

Beware, I will be there in 2020.

My fundraising page HERE.

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