Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Only China can save us!

Few days ago I found in my mailbox some information flyers about coming elections to Federal Parliament.
In my electorate (Chisholm) a winner will come from one of these two ladies:

On Good Friday I noticed a presence of one of above candidates on Way of the Cross in neighboring parish.

Today I learned that leaders of our two main political parties have accounts on Chinese social platform WeChat. Interesting thing is, that this platform is available only to Chinese citizens so our otherwise honest and candid politicians apparently hired some Chinese citizens to open fictional accounts under false names.

Luckily Chinese authorities discovered this fraud and are considering closing these accounts.
Details HERE.

Question: is there any honest politician in this country?
Thanks God we have enough people of Chinese origin who do not pretend to be someone else.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Double - Dvoinik

The DoubleThe Double by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Disturbing book for me.
Very detailed insight into thoughts and nightmares of mentally unstable person.
Disturbing, because the style of narration is quite ironic and exhilarating. It made me feeling uncomfortable - I am watching a mentally disturbed person and instead of compassion I just chuckle like some moron.
Which brought association with Gogol - it is definitely Gogol's writing style and result is exactly "gogol'ish" - what are you laughing at? you are laughing at yourself.
I noticed a high number of 1 star ratings with a comment - boring, put away after few pages.
I consider this reaction quite justified. For me it was quite exhausting reading with the knowledge, that my patience will not be rewarded.
I lasted to the last page, but had some attention breaks.

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Friday, April 5, 2019

Passa Passenta

PassaPassa by Daniel Passent
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Spory zawód.
Masa, istny katalog, nazwisk i detali - mnie brakowało spojrzenia z pewnej perspektywy jak również jakiegoś podsumowania kolejnych etapów. No i może jeszcze nieco bardziej osobistego spojrzenia na sławne osoby, z którymi autor się spotykał i na istotne wydarzenia, których był blisko.
Przedstawioną w książce drogę życiową autora doskonale podsumowuje nazwa jego blogu - En passant - czyli w przelocie. Wszędzie był, wszystkich poznał, wszystko spłynęło po nim bez śladu.
Może jedynym wyjątkiem jest rodzina - tu jego postawa jest wręcz wzorcowa.
Uwaga techniczna - niezbyt staranna edycja. W książce wspomniana jest obecność autora na igrzyskach w Hamburgu (?), raz czy dwa wspomina coś stosując rodzaj żeński: zobaczyłam.

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