Saturday, July 1, 2017

50 years (and 1 month) ago - 6 days war

Over a month ago I noticed it on newsagency shelf...

6 days war.
Some facts: end of May 1967, United Arabic Republic - short-lived political union of Egypt, Syria and Jordan under leadership of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser -  blocked Israeli Tiran Strait and concentrated mighty military forces on the border with Israel. Israel responded with surprising preemptive air strike followed by land operation.
Within 5 days Israeli forces overwhelmed totally disoriented Arabic forces and captured previously Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, Syrian Golan Heights and Jordanian West Bank including entire Jerusalem.
Details HERE.

Before looking inside the paper I retrieved my memories.
Late spring 1967. It was memorable time. We moved into out first flat after almost 2 years of living in the corner of my in-laws flat. We moved to a block of flats where lived also a number of employees of the factory where I worked. 
There were some interesting discoveries. A person who held some rank in a local branch of Communist Party showed us his flat. One, very small room was decorated as a Catholic chapel. 
At the end of May one guy invited me to his flat and opened maps of the Middle East. 
- Look here! What these Jews hope to achieve? They will be smashed.

The official press (there was no other) followed the position of Soviet Union, which strongly supported socialist oriented president Nasser. Worth to mention, that Soviet Union armed Egypt, Syria and Jordan.

Victory of Israel was a shock. I do not remember reaction of the press, but the general reception of the crowd was disbelief mixed with admiration and some satisfaction that Soviet Union ally was defeated.
Some people declared with pride that in the core of Israeli army were some 2,000 soldiers who left Polish Anders Army when, after evacuation from Sovier Union, it crossed British Palestine. Most notable of those who stayed in Palestime was Mieczysław Biegun who, as Menahem Begin, became Israeli President in 1977.
There was a joke: Arab intelligence could not break code used by Israeli Army. Explanation was simple - messages were written in plain Polish.

Few weeks later the papers raised a new issue: in Polish Government there are many people whose political orientation is in conflict with the general line of politics in Soviet bloc.
At the end of 1967 the witch hunt started.

I looked into The Australian Jewish News.
The photo on front page shows three soldiers who first reached the Western Wall. All of them are still alive. Their relation: "We were in narrow lanes with Arab houses, we didn't know where, and suddenly we came through the small iron gate and saw it - the Kotel. It wasn't open as it is now, it was surrounded by houses on each side (...) my friends had tears in their eyes when they realised what was happening, that we came to the place we've been waiting for for 2,000 years".
Moshe Dayan, Israeli Minister of Defence in 1967 said: "Yesterday I was not a religious man, and tomorrow I will nor be, but today I cannot but say that we have witnessed miracles". 

I look at the further pages...

Discussion continues.

Polish (extended) version HERE.