Sunday, November 19, 2023

Lech Lecha

 Some time ago I wanted to check something about my first name - LECH - on internet, I entered and clicked, there was a number of entries on the Austrian ski resort of this name and then - something which attracted my attention - LECH LECHA - CLICK.

The first words said by God to Abraham in the book of Genesis: "Go from your country..." - CLICK.

And then: "Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time the Canaanites were in the land.Then Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your offsprings I give this land"".

So Lord gave to Abram the land populated by someone else?

Looks like Abram, who changed his name to Abraham, did not bother too much about this land.
When some hunger came, he hurried to a safer place, the Canaanites stayed on the land of their birth.

I do not like this story, it reverberates with some quite actual events.

However there is another story about Abram - Muslim Story - CLICK.

Abram's father - Azar - was a sculptor who specialised in carvings of Mesopotamian idols and ordered his son to sell them.

Abram believed in one unseen God and made great jokes about the products he sold when selling idols.

According to the Quran, Abram sought to spread belief in one God among the people around him. He found supporters, but the Bible history was written by Israeli priests in the book of Torah and it were them who used my name.

P.S. Wikipedia reports archeological findings in this area which are confirming the Muslim version.