Wednesday, October 9, 2013

At the gate to paradise

In August I made a tour of Cape York. I do not intend to write a detailed report of this, or even any report. Just few accidental comments...

The tour started in Cairns. Evening before the tour start greeted me with a promising sunset...

I spent some time studying the tour itinerary and comparing it to the very first attempt to reach the Southern top of Australia - tragic expedition of Edmund Kennedy - details HERE.
It went like this:
".. They arrived (by ship) at Rockingham Bay 20 May, but once landed the party encountered terrible terrain such as mangrove swamps, mountains, lagoons, rivers, and thick rainforest that made it almost impossible to travel with horses, carts and sheep. After nine weeks, they had travelled just 40 miles from the coast, and 12 miles north of the landing point.."
"By mid November, the men and horses began to weaken, so the decision was taken to leave eight men behind at Weymouth Bay, while Kennedy and four others continued north..."
"Kennedy and his aboriginal tracker Jackey Jackey pressed on towards Port Albany and the rendezvous, but they were closely followed by menacing natives. Near the banks of the Escape River, 20 miles from the tip of Cape York, Kennedy was speared several times and died in Jackey Jackey's arms. After a feat of endurance of about ten days with no supplies, Jackey Jackey made it to the supply ship alone 23 December 1848.".

From the team of 13 strong, tough men only 3 survived.
What team will I join tomorrow. Shall we survive?

Is there any message in this picture?

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