Monday, February 3, 2025

Lech Lecha

My name is Lech.
The Poles nod in understanding - we know the beginning of the Polish state...

A long time ago, in a certain Slavic settlement, there lived three brothers, Lech, Czech and Rus. They lived under a great holy oak, from which a holy spring gushed, from which a holy horse drank. The brothers lived in harmony with each other and with nature, in everything listening to the old and wise priest, who knew everything about nature, people, life and the world. He healed, advised and interpreted dreams, both young and old. The brothers once dreamed of horses, and the priest told them that these dreams would soon come true. When they were young men, their father gave them three foals, which they were to take care of so that they would serve them. The priest of the settlement gave them another, white horse. He ordered them to set off on a journey and follow this particular horse until they reached the great northern temple.

Source HERE.

Still it is not a popular name in Poland, personally I never met another Lech. Significant point might be that there was no Catholic Saint of this name, my parents had to give me a second, "proper" name for Baptism.

In my case, the case has been going on for 2 generations. End of XIX century, my grandparents lived in Mazovia, in the Russian partition of Poland, it was a period of tightening restrictions, and there was also information about discrimination against people of Polish origin in the German partition. My grandmother as some form of protest, decided to give her children old Slavic names - Ludmiła (1892), Lech (1897), Ziemowit (1902).
I was born in 1941, under German occupation, my Mother recalled that by giving me this name my Parents gave themselves courage.

So I am Lech ... Lecha...

Lech Lecha...

80 years passed and then, 2 years ago,  I experienced a shock.

In mid-2023, I became subscriber of The Jewish Independent Media. I found it quiet interesting and balanced in its opinions.
At the end of October 2023, I read a message in the newsletter that shocked me - this week is Parashat Lech Lecha...

What is this???
Here you are...

Please click on the above photo...
So - Lech Lecha - simply means - go forth to the land that I have destined for you.

Wait a minute... and what did the priest order the legendary brothers - to set off on their journey... to the north.

It obviously reminded me of the name given to Poland by some countries:
- Iran - لهستان - Lahastan.
- Turkye used similar name for many years but then changed to Polonya.

And one more thing - the word Lech - it definitely does not sound Slavic to me - Listek, Leszek, Zlechic, Szlachcic are different, but Lech - long L and guttural CH/H - I got used to this during my two-year stay in Middle East.

On this basis, I have developed my own fantasy...
The beginning of the 7th century, the lands that once belonged to the Canaanites, Philistines, Israelites are taken over by Muslims. Mass emigration of Jews begins - to Spain, Syria, Turkey, Greece.

The Khazar tribe is formed in Turkey - CLICK - and there is a mention of  conversion to Judaism

It seems logical to me that in this situation the Khazars recited the Torah and the words they heard from God - Lech Lecha.

And the other side of the coin - these very words signalled the approach of the Khazars to the Slavs, it seems natural that they thought that the newcomers were introducing themselves by giving their name - Lech.

I wonder how I - Lech - should respond to this brotherly call.

So far I fill the waiting time with numerous Lech Lecha entertainments:



Play - HERE .


Most tasty I left to the end...

Note: this year Parshat Lech Lecha comes on 1st of November.

P.S. The YouTube channel offers dozens of videos on this topic - some very interesting - CLICK.

1 comment:

  1. What a story?! What a coincidence?
    Have you tried to contact some historical centres in Poland?
