Saturday, January 18, 2025


 Another day starting with Wordle...

Statistics justify this opinion...

I played this game 702 times - failed 31 times, succeeded 671 times and look what a beautiful distribution od results :)

Monday, January 6, 2025

Emotional Female

Emotional FemaleEmotional Female by Yumiko Kadota
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I had trouble to get an idea - what sort of book it is?
There were dozens of incidents described in details, they were about the same person, but somehow they did not made a story.
What was missing?
I think the title spells it out.
I could not finish this book.  

View all my reviews

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


 I thought I could tick off this year's Christmas, but last Sunday a new element was added.

The weather was beautiful, clear skies, sun but only to keep the mood up, temperature 24C.
No wonder I went for a walk shortly after returning from Sunday mass.
The shortest of my home-based walking routes, a little over half an hour's walk.

I have walked this route many times and my attention was drawn several times to the singing coming from one of the apartments.
Few weeks ago  I heard a very loud, beautiful singing. A female voice, maybe even two. It sounded somehow natural, not like from the radio or TV. There was no one in front of the door at that time.
Usually an elderly man often sat on a chair in front of the door, sometimes a younger woman brought him something to drink. I came to the conclusion that it was probably the daughter living with her father who needed care.
As is the case here in the neighborhood, we always waved our hands at each other in a friendly manner.

Last Sunday both tenants were at the door, we waved to each other and I deliberately slowed down to have a chance to ask about the songs.
It worked, the lady approached me, I noticed that she was quite handsome, I asked about the songs.
- Oh yes, we must have been singing psalms.
In turn, she asked about my health and of course I mentioned the hospital visit.

She thought for a moment... and can I pray for you?
It somehow suited both the weather and the Sunday mood, I agreed with a smile.
The lady put her hand on my shoulder, opened her eyes wider and so wide and began...
"God, who brought this man into this world, who cared for his existence in the mother's womb, who... ... do not let him lose his strength and health just now..."

I closed my eyes - an extremely strong, clear voice. In addition, a beautiful English accent, and strong words spoken in a very commanding way.
This must be heard by SOMEONE - I thought.

I noticed the hand resting on my shoulder.
I felt that it was a friendly hand, but I did not feel the flow of energy.
I will mention here that in our church there is one parishioner who sometimes touches me on the back in a friendly way and I feel the warmth flowing from his hand to me.
Our youngest granddaughter can do this too.

The lady finished her prayer, took her hand off my shoulder, I noticed that I had big tears in my eyes. I thanked her and went home breathing deeply.

And in the evening a guest came to us for dinner - our parish priest.
Very nice, we talked in a friendly way, he reminded us that the parish can help us in many practical situations.

And so the visit ended and I had a question:
- why didn't the priest offer me a blessing?

This is a very common behavior when meeting a sick person.
The priest knows that my attitude to faith is very skeptical, he knows that I do not receive communion, but this situation was specific.

So -  maybe the priest felt that someone had already prayed for me that day?

And was this lady praying to the same God?