My friend from the church declared that his current priorities are - 3G - God, Girls and Golf.
My contact with golf is none, girls... from the distance.
Grumbling and Grave look much closer, still today I realised that we have a beautiful golf course in the park 1 kilometre from the house.
We've had beautiful, sunny days lately. A few times a week, while driving to a nearby market in the morning, I pass this field and admire the beautiful grass, wonderfully rolling hills, all behind a light curtain of fog illuminated by the rising sun.
Unfortunately, I cannot document it with photos because there is no place to park a car.
I tried in the afternoon from the other side.
I drove car to the nearby park and noticed that somebody was watching me...
I thought that these nice creatures will also monitor my car and in good spirit walked towards the golf course. Unfortunately the park is on the hill, the golf course goes down so it was difficult to take a good photo, so we have what we have...
Walking track is rather short, access to the golf course is limited so I moved back to the park, under the trees.
Something hit me strongly in the shoulder.
Alarm!!! They are playing golf outside the course!
I looked down for a golf ball.... I found this....
The pine of the tree under which I walked...
I felt good emotions,
The NATURE gave me a friendly nudge - I am here, near you - enjoy.