Friday, March 6, 2020

In the shadow of viruses

Every Thursday we pick up grandchildren from school.
2 weeks ago we noticed such a picturesque scene...

This is a car park owned/administered by a number of companies.
This place is just 20 m from the entrance to Collingwood College.

I was sure, that all this stuff  must have been brought here last night so, surely, it will be cleaned in few hours.

So I was quite astonished when I saw the same picture week later.

I wrote a report to City of Yarra Council with a copy to Collingwood College.
Next day I got a call from the school principal. He told me that he reports this problem regularly to authorities.
I got also a confirmation from City of Yarra, that they received my report.

Then, yesterday (5/3/20),  I saw ...

Actually this parking spot neighbours a shock absorber workshop. Maybe it is a part of the treatment?

After returning home I found a response from City of Yarra.

Here is a significant quote:

"...Council is aware that people have been sleeping rough at this site and we have been working closely with our local homelessness outreach service to engage with people at the site.
Whilst we have no current plans to move on any of the people at the site, we will continue to clean and check it on a regular basis.
 As the photos you have provided show a fair amount of food scraps present, we will aim to organise another clean of the site in the coming days..."

I highlighted most essential part - clean and check on regular basis.

I can assure you that the food in the trolley stays there from at least 18 Feb 2020.

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