Today we had elections to Federal Parliament.
Almost a month ago I presented
HERE two candidates one of whom will get the seat, so today I had to make decision.
My basic reasoning was as follows:
Labor got bigger chances, so vote for Liberal so that the winners feels the presure. Maybe it will result in better work.
Additional factor was intensity of harassment - for some time I was receiving phone calls and sms from both main parties and also from UAP. Actually in the last days Labor was more aggressive which meant leaning towards Liberal.
But then, just as I was driving to the shopping centre, I received a sms. I stopped the car expecting some addition to shopping list, but no - it was from Liberals.
No! I will vote for Greens, they never breached my privacy.
Then, as I was passing a voting point, I noticed 2 bikers pulling large billboards calling for Green vote. They were riding their bikes on very narrow footpath forcing pedestrians to step on the lawn.
What a hypocrisy!
I thought a while and decided to vote for Animal Justice Party.
I returned home in full peace of mind and then, in our garden, I noticed birds, indian mynah, pecking or rather massacring our cherry tomatoes.
I returned to my original concept. At least I knew that it was well thought over decision.