Saturday, July 26, 2003

When there is a Family

 Well, the Family is the beginning.
My parents met in a ski resort...

Their fortune melted like a snow.
Married in 1938, 1939 - a war broke out, 1944 - my father died.

Next 20 years was a hard struggle for my mother, to keep me fed and educated, to survive in very hard conditions.

My turn came in 1965...

We both already worked, but had no accommodation.

Help came from Sylwia's parents.
They lived in a single bedroom flat in Warsaw. 
Four people - parents with 2 daughters.
What could be simpler than to put a bed in a dining room... and a curtain which isolated it for a night.

2 years after the wedding we got a flat in a cooperative block.
It was classified as M3 - family of three. Theoretically it was a one bedroom flat, but the bedroom was too small for a bed.

Maybe it was a reason that we stayed childless for some time.
We led comfortable but a bit aimless life.

Few years later we moved to a better planned flat, it was still M3, one bedroom - but the bedroom could fit a bed.
At the same time my work turned into quite interesting and challenging.

Family grew up...

 3 years later we moved to a larger flat - M6 - 2 bedrooms.
And there was a new arrival...

Sylwia worked in a physiotherapy clinic of a major Warsaw hospital. 
It paid poorly, but provided a decent canteen, shortened working hours, access to a kindergarten..

When there was holidays time we tried to take children to some holiday places.
Lech, in winter, to ski resorts, Sylwia, in summer, to the seacoast.

When Lech took kids in summer to the seacoast, it still looked like a winter...

To rectify these climate anomalies, in 1981 we moved to Kuwait, where Lech got a job with Kuwait University...

2 years later, we changed place again - Australia.

After few months we moved to our own house...

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