Monday, September 14, 2015

Same sex couple in Catholic Church

Yes, it happened in my Parish Church last Sunday.

There was a baptism ceremony for a very young boy and our lovely Parish Priest announced:
- Godmothers and parents, please come to the altar.
And there they came - two godmothers.
Well, he did not use term godparents, maybe for time being a new term should be coined - godscouple.

Anyway - a small step has been done.

Monday, June 1, 2015

MS Walk 2015

Already for the fifth time. My forecasts were not very good. 3 days before event I was sick, weather forecast mentioned hail, but Albert lake welcomed us with usual grace.

As usual large crowd under palm trees...

Slow start

and slow walk..

An armored knight willingly agrees to be my background...

Person taking the photo, my friend from Melbourne Nordic Ski Club, did not realize, that she got even more mighty support...

Walking towards finish line we met finally a dark cloud, but it could not darken our spirits...

Mission accomplished...

Thank you all sponsors and supporters, you keep me going year after year. Our tangible result is so far $495 and I hope still to improve it a bit.
To see my previous MS Walks click label Multiple Sclerosis under this entry.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Character of vegetables

TV program Australian Gardening visited Felix's school garden. They asked kids: if you were a vegetable, which one would you be? The answers were quite significant to me - a dark skinned girl with thoroughly covered head said - a beetroot, because beetroot bleeds when you cut it. A boy of Vietnamese origin said - an onion, because it makes you cry when you cut it, it has selfprotection features. And our Felix smiled and said - a potato, because it never dies (???) The logic sounds a bit strange to me, but I am so glad, that he does not feel endangered with cuts and hopes for everlasting life...

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

When you are FOUR

When you reach the noble age of FOUR,
you may feel like opening the door
to the life, which will be sometimes sour,
to the time measured by hour,
to relations where smile and flower
may mean more than shouting and power.
We wish you days filled with sun.
whatever you do, have fun,
creative tickling in the brain,
some hardship, but not too much pain.
And if there will be any fall
then love and support of us ALL. 

Happy Birthday Ambrose!

PS. And guess what? Love and support were needed on the next day...

Monday, March 9, 2015

Color Run

From many years I have participated in walks and runs raising funds for Multiple Sclerosis Society. Click label Multiple Sclerosis under this entry to see the full list.
This year it started with a Color Run organized by Swisse. Event organized by a professional organisation costs some extra money, on the other hand they did a good job and the event was very enjoyable.

Event was run on Sunday, March 3rd. Weather forecasts were not good so I was very pleased to see dark, rainy clouds withdrawing to other location...

The event was run on Formula 1 track in Albert Park. The car race was to be held 2 weeks after our run so the beautiful park was already marred with barriers, fences, gates...

And here we are, the the racing track. Nobody iin hurry. Rolex - main sponsor of the car race means not much for us. We do not measure our time of fun...

 And here come the color gates. White - snow worries...



I must be looking tired so some guys add me extra energy...

On orande gate there is some confusion - they ran out of powder. More diligent people rolled or just sat on the ground...

Finally blue...

... and the final gate summarises it all...

The happiest 5 km on the Planet! 

Absolutely so - thank you organisesrs and all participants.
My tangible results were not so great - just $275, but...

Here is my second chance - as every year we will have MS Walk/Run on Sunday, 31st of May.