Thursday, September 30, 2010

In the library

My local library is located in Box Hill. I visit it frequently although choice of books is very poor. I got impression, that the main source of books are donations.
But I noticed, that the library turns into some kind of after classes room for students from nearby tertiary educational institutions.
This is how it looked last Tuesday...

Actually, now we have school holidays. So what are all these students doing here?
I got impression, they are all foreign students. Probably they live in some rented apartments and prefer good space in library and opportunity to study together with friends.
And they not only studied here. Few rested their heads on library desk and slept. Some had their lunch...

I was bit concerned about eating in the library. For me books and food do not mix well. But there are no signs prohibiting food and there is a coffee machine.
But eating hot food was bit too much. A lady from library administration informed young people, that heated food emits too much smell and asked them to take it outside. They obeyed this instruction quite happily.
Generally, I enjoyed view of so many young people in the library although I noticed, that they did not use much of library resources. On the other hand, I think it should be noticed by city council and educational institutions, that great demand exists for some kind of after-classes space where students could study, rest, develop their social contacts. It seems to me, that it exceeds current library capacity.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Empty Cross

Few days ago I received a Red Cross Gift Catalogue ...

I liked the cover, photo reminding the First World War. Maybe there will be some traditional Christmas Cards? - I thought with hope.
Because Christmas cards in Australia are hopeless. One could say: show me your Christmas cards, I will tell you who you are. Looking at Australian made Christmas cards, I can say - these people do not know who they are. They have broken links with tradition, but did not create anything instead. Well, they created something - market full of meaningless and useless things.
But Red Cross, they surely should know who they are. I looked inside the catalogue. There were some Christmas cards - one with a tree of hope (whatever it may mean), another with a dove, and with a ginger bread bear, or two birds.
So in the name of political correctness, Red Cross eliminated Christ from Christmas.
Actually there is one Christmas card, which perfectly summarises this practice - a donkey in front of an empty manger. As a next step I suggest to replace cross with a donkey on the Red Cross logo.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Woman's Eye

I read a book to 4 y.o. Matilda. It was about a girl who visited her uncle on a farm.
The uncle grabbed her in his arms..
- What are you going to do, unpack or go directly to see animals?
- I want to see animals uncle Frank..
I turned a page. There was a picture of the girl sitting on the back of a cow. I started to imitate noises of cows, sheep, ducks, but Matilda interrupted:
- Dziadzia (grandpa) ! She has different top, changed her shoes and headband!
- Yes, it is more convenient with animals.
- But Dziadzia! You said that she did not unpack her luggage?
My jaw dropped, my credibility as well.
Authors of children books, please! More attention to detail, specially when it comes to female dresses.